Monday, May 28, 2007

Nearer My God to Thee

Sweet baby jesus.

Here I am months down the line and miles gone as far as insight.

I don't know where to start. As of about a week ago, I moved into my best friend Julia's house, which has been wonderful. Our souls are so in tune that it's almost as though I'm living with myself, as crazy as that sounds. I'm really looking forward to all the spiritual awakenings and great meals to come. Maybe I'll even tag along with some of the great experiences she's having.

Work has been ridiculous. I've been working 40+ hours, and killing myself doing it. But I've met some intriguing people. My co-worker Lovette has been hanging out and is becoming a good friend. I've decided that I'm going to start working minimally and start listening to my soul.

There's so much I've been craving to do, and I feel guilty for suppressing it for so long.

- I've been telling myself for years that I have to get back to Mexico, but keep pushing back the date consistently. I've decided to make it happen, and think I'll be going the first or second week of July. I plan to stay with family in the mountains near Montemorelos. Then I'll travel south and visit many of the small pueblas and mercados. Maybe i'll be lucky enough to get in on a soccer game or two.

- I desperately need to revisit my guitar project. I've been itching to get a hold of an old strat', but keep forgetting I have this in the works. Instead of going on an extensive search of what I need, I have this project waiting for me that can be shaped into exactly what I want. I have so many ideas for this turning into an amazing art project.

- Reading. Just fucking reading.
- Cooking.
- Exercise.

- I've had the desire lately to learn how to make coconut masks. If anyone knows how or what materials I should use, let me know.

I keep falling farther into fearing animal cruelty. My diet has become even more strict, it's even become hard to see or smell certain things. I've lost a tremendous amount of weight, but I feel really good about it. I've been exercising and stretching, and even though I've lost much weight, I've gotten really toned. I'm hoping to get into some sort of stretching routine. I don't know if Yoga is what I'm actually looking for, but maybe something similar.

Photo: Beach trip.

To come: my love for the south, the blues, trashy women, and good whiskey.
